Day Two of Tiki Kon 2016 started off great with the Island Market Place..

. For the entire afternoon, you could do some Tiki shopping. Looking for a cool Tiki mug? You will find one for sure! Need a new Hawaiian shirt or two? There were plenty of vendors to choose from..

There were also some Tiki artists selling their work..

The weather was much better today than it was yesterday. The sun was actually out! I went outside to get some rays and saw this cool trailer…

The door was open so I stepped inside…

The there was a guy from Deadhead Rum pouring shots! I didn’t hesitate. I sat down and the gentleman poured. I took back a nip of the Deadhead rum and let me tell you, this stuff is good!
Tiki Kon also had some special guests. There was VanTiki, who actually designed the official Tiki Kon 2016 mug. Martin Cate came all the way up from the Bay Area to say hello and sign copies of his awesome book: Smuggler’s Cove…

Once you spent all your money on Tiki stuff at the Island Marketplace, you could head over next door to check out some symposiums.
The first one was “A Celebration of the Tiki Age in Hawaii,” which was hosted by Phillip Roberts, the author of Waikiki Tiki: Art, History and Photographs.
The second symposium was hosted by the owner of the Shameful Tiki Room, Rod Moore. It was called “Raising the Bar” and Rod talked about how he created the coolest Tiki bar in the Great North! He included a slide show that showed step-by-step how the Shameful Tiki Room came to be. I met Rod afterwards and he was a really cool guy.
The third and final symposium was actually a documentary called Pin Up! The Movie. After the movie, there was a Q and A about the movie.
It was getting later in the afternoon and I decided to chill out in the lobby of the Red Lion. I found an empty couch and got comfortable. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this flyer on the table in front of me…

It looks like I’m going to a room party! I headed over the room 256 and I could hear surf music blasting from the other end of the hallway. I stepped inside the room and it felt like I was taken back in time to the psychedelic ’60s!

People were dancing to tunes and I noticed a line of people. The Deadhead Rum guys were serving free Tiki drinks! I got in line, waited my turn, and got mine. The drink was tasty and strong.

Back in the living room, I heard people cheering. Curious, I made my way over and people were playing a game. It was a Tiki version of beer pong. If you got a ping pong ball in the Tiki mug, you won a special prize…

I grabbed some balls and took a shot. The first ball missed, but my second went right in! I screamed, “I did it!” and before I knew it, I had a small bottle of rum and a Tiki mug in my hands!

After a couple hours, the room party mellowed out. Everybody went back to their hotel rooms and got ready for this evening’s main event: Tony Starlight!

The Mt. St. Helens Ballroom was packed and ready for Tony Starlight’s variety show!

There was singing, dancing, magic,comedy, and special guests! It felt like it was the 1940s and I have to say that I felt a little underdressed wearing a Hawaiian shirt!

After Tony Starlight’s show, it was time to go back to the hotel room and rest up. It was a long day full of Tiki fun, but Sunday is what we all came to Tiki Kon for: the Home Tiki Bus Tour!
I would like to thank Dieter Weber for letting me use his photographs for this post. Here is a picture of Dieter getting his Tiki-On at Tiki Kon 2016!

My post of Day Three of Tiki Kon 2016 coming soon!
Here is the Tiki Kon 2016 website.
And Facebook page.
Want to see when Tony Starlight is performing again? Click here.
Deadhead Rum was super cool for putting together an awesome party. Show them some support by checking out their website.
And liking their Facebook Page.
Interested in taking a trip to Canada to check out an awesome Tiki bar? Here is The Shameful Tiki Room’s website.