If you left the banquet dinner hungry, it was your own fault. The Caribbean food was incredible and there was more than enough for everyone. Now it was time for some Tiki drinks!
On the west side of the Red Lion Hotel in the Tiki Kon hospitality suite, Tacoma Cabana’s own Jason Alexander and Amy Hibel served drinks to an ever-growing line of thirsty Tikiphiles.
The room was quickly filled with aloha shirts and sarongs.
The party even bled out onto the porch!
Happening at the same time on the opposite end of the hotel, Blair of BG Reynolds was holding a little party of his own…
Blair was making Tiki drinks one at time! No pre-mix here!
Blair’s cocktails were worth waiting for and the line stretched out the door to the suite and down the hall…
Speaking of lines, it was time to go see the Ambassador Of Americana himself, Charles Phoenix! I made it up to the ballroom early and the line was already long and getting longer by the minute!

Why? Because Charles Phoenix knows how to put on a show!
Charles came all the way up from California and brought his Mid-Century Tiki slides with him!
If you ever get at chance to see Charles Phoenix do his retro-slideshow, go! There’s nothing like it!
Charles Phoenix brought the house down and left us wanting to see more.
Then there was a long gong and the room fell silent…
Someone is getting married! Stay tuned….
Thank you Dieter Weber. I couldn’t do these posts without your incredible pictures!