Tiki Bar Review #51 The Inferno Room – Indianapolis IN

If there’s a tiki bar in Hell, it would be The Inferno Room!

The Inferno Room was created by Chris Coy …

And Ed Rudisell …

Who are both full on metal heads. I’m talking about metal bands from the 1980s like Iron Maiden, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate and of course … SLAYER! Chris and Ed are friends with Kerry King of Slayer, and Kerry even stopped by The Inferno Room while on tour …

Chris and Ed said that there was Slayer constantly pumping through the stereo while they were building out The Inferno Room and the more I think about it, The Inferno Room may be the most “metal” tiki bar I’ve been to!

The first thing I noticed as I entered into The Inferno Room was how tall the place is. You can’t help but look up …

Also, red light fills the room. The windows are huge and are covered with red tint. The idea is to create the feeling that it’s always sunset or dawn. I also love the semi-boarded up look of the windows. It’s creepy and cool. The Inferno Room has what a tiki bar is supposed to have, a slight hint of danger.

If you go upstairs, you will find two rooms. One is the Kahuna Lounge …

And the other is The Luau Room …

The view from up here is truly breathtaking! It’s a long way down and the main floor is almost like a fiery pit. I love it!

The reason why The Inferno Room is so vertical is because the space used to be a courthouse. Courthouses have very high ceilings, large windows, etc. Chris and Ed did a great job turning this old courthouse into a tiki bar.

I can’t talk about The Inferno Room without talking about the Papua New Guinea décor …

Chris and Ed bought an entire Papua New Guinea collection from a seller. It wasn’t cheap, but damn they got a lot! The walls of The Inferno Room are already covered with Papua New Guinea masks and there’s more to come. Ed took me downstairs into the basement and there are shelves full of even more Papua New Guinea stuff there too. I wouldn’t be surprised if The Inferno Room actually has the largest Papua New Guinea collection in America!

Let’s go back downstairs and get some drinks! Waiting at the front desk to seat you are Kendall and Bocock …

There are some really cool intimate tiki spaces that you can relax in …

Piper will be taking your drink order …

And Eli will be crafting your drinks for you …

I ordered a Black Magic …

Two reasons why are that this is my favorite song from Slayer, and it’s also a drink from the Mai Kai that has coffee in it. The Black Magic is a pretty complex drink and if it isn’t made right, it tastes terrible, but if it is made correctly, it’s incredible! Eli knocked it out of the park! My Black Magic was perfect, I felt like I was in Florida!

But actually, I’m in Indianapolis. I’ve probably flown over this city many times, but now it will be a destination for me! Chris and Ed, I give you the horns!


Here is The Inferno Room Webpage

And Facebook Page