There’re a couple of choices when deciding where you go on a first date …
Coffee? Dinner? Movie? How about a Tiki Bar! Angela and JR have known each other since high school, but didn’t go on their first “official” date till 22 years later. They decided to meet up at Tiki Underground in Hudson Ohio. There must have been a spark because now they’re married! Here is their story …
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and JR?
Angela is a mother of two fantastic daughters, 19yo Haille and 16yo Emalee, and serves others as a Holistic Lifestyle Coach. JR owns a flooring company and enjoys fishing.

How did you two meet and what made you decide to have your first date at a tiki bar?
We had met 22 years ago in High School. We dated briefly before JR blew it (lol) however, we kept in touch through social media. JR lived in Florida after HS but we would bump into each other from time to time and developed a great friendship over the years. Logistically it made sense to meet at Tiki Underground for our first date!

Were either of you two into tiki beforehand?
Yes, JR loved the Tiki Underground, the atmosphere and the cocktails so it was a perfect place to break the ice after so long between dates. At that moment, it wasn’t even a date, more like two old friends catching up.

What was your first date like, what did you think of Tiki Underground?
Our first date was perfect. We had a couple of famous Tiki Underground drinks and split an appetizer. We went to Akron to a Metropark Fundraiser at the Art Collective, then to BLU Jazz for some music. We finished the date with one more cocktail at the Tiki and our second first kiss in the parking lot, 22 years apart.

Did you get into tiki more after that date?
We try to get to the Tiki Underground for happy hour or to listen to a band as often as our schedules will allow.

Congratulations on getting married! What was the key to having a long and loving relationship?
We have so many close friends and family, fabulous couples who have relationships that we admire and aspire to. Our relationship is built around God and our friends and family. We have promised each other that we will never pass on an invitation or an opportunity to help someone, that we will always date each other and our friendship will always come first.

What a beautiful story!!! This Auntie gas Goosies.
May you have a lifetime of happiness and love.
Love you both, Auntie Lisa ♥️😘
What a beautiful story!!! This Auntie has Goosies.
May you have a lifetime of happiness Since we’re all quarantined😂 Drop your name. I will tell you my first impression of you. If I don’t see this copied as your status I WON’T ANSWER ! I’m going to be blunt and keep it 💯 love.
Love you both, Auntie Lisa ♥️😘
What a beautiful story!!! This Auntie has Goosies.
May you have a lifetime of happiness and love.
Love you, Auntie Lisa ♥️😘