Love At First Tiki! – First Date At Tiki Underground And Now They’re Married!

There’re a couple of choices when deciding where you go on a first date …

Coffee? Dinner? Movie? How about a Tiki Bar! Angela and JR have known each other since high school, but didn’t go on their first “official” date till 22 years later. They decided to meet up at Tiki Underground in Hudson Ohio. There must have been a spark because now they’re married! Here is their story …

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Home Tiki Bar Spotlight #65 D&L Exotic Tradewinds Paradise – Indianapolis IN


How many bedrooms?

How big is the kitchen?

One or two car garage?

Does the master bedroom have a walk-in closet?

This is what most people ask when looking to buy a home, but for Linda and Dave Bagdade, “can we build a tiki room in it?” was the most important question! Here is their story …

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Tiki VIP #40 Michael Zadoorian – Author/Detroit Tikiphile

I just finished reading Michael Zadoorian’s new book THE NARCISSISM OF SMALL DIFFERENCES and I totally relate to the characters. Joe, one of the main characters in the book, is a 40 something Gen Xer, no kids, doesn’t want kids, into old stuff and hangs out in tiki bars. This would describe me as well. I hope to meet Michael in person someday, but I already feel like I know him. I know where he’s coming from. Here is Michael Zadoorian’s story …

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Home Tiki Bar Spotlight #64 Trader Ric’s – Indianapolis IN

Indianapolis doesn’t have a Trader Vic’s, but it does have a Trader Ric’s!

The basement in the MCM home of Matt McElfresh and Ric Mills used to be their EBay warehouse, until they acquired “the mural”. This beautiful mural originally hung in the men’s bar at the historic Claypool Hotel and it was the inspiration for Matt and Ric to build their home tiki bar. Matt named the bar after Ric, calling it Trader Ric’s, and the rest is history! Here is Matt and Ric’s story …

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Lost Spirits Distillery – By Tom Hemmen

The last day of our recent visit to Los Angeles, we purchased tickets for a distillery tour we’d become aware of while researching things to do in the area online. At $40 per ticket it was not inexpensive, and its Yelp reviews, while mostly positive, featured some pretty poor ones as well – however, it looked intriguing, and potentially like a lot of fun, so we took the plunge …

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Tiki Blogging #10 – The Search for The Ultimate Mai Tai (Kevin Crossman)

Where can I get a good Mai Tai?

This is actually a harder question to answer than you think. For many bars, a Mai Tai is their token tropical drink that has rum, pineapple juice and grenadine. Then there are tiki bars that know how to make a true 1944 Trader Vic’s Mai Tai, but the results range from great, to good, to passable, to “is this even a Mai Tai?”.  I’ve been into tiki for a long time and had my share of Mai Tais which all taste drastically different. It’s only been more recently that I can pin down exactly what a Mai Tai should taste like and I’ve got to thank Kevin Crossman for that! Kevin’s website, The Search for The Ultimate Mai Tai, is a one stop resource that ranks and rates all the places that Kevin has had a Mai Tai. Check out The Search for The Ultimate Mai Tai and you will learn where you can find …

The Good, The Bad, and The Ultimate Mai Tai!

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