Guest Tiki Bar Review: Zombie Village – San Francisco, CA by Kevin Crossman (Ultimate Mai-Tai)

Zombie Village Huts

In the middle of the 19th century, the sailors of the British Navy were given citrus juice rations as a way to avoid scurvy. This in turn led to these sailors being regarded as some of the healthiest of their day. If that’s the case, the good people of San Francisco and surrounding locales must already be amongst the healthiest thanks to the plethora of exemplary Tiki Bars that dot the region. So, when the wind behind your sails is strong, and the rum and the lime are in plentiful supply, what do you do? Well, if you are the Future Bars team you take an underperforming bar and set your sights on creating another standout tiki destination: The Zombie Village!

Zombie Village Entrance

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Dark Manor Inn – Vancouver B.C. by Jason Craig


Dark Manor Inn Vancouver B.C.

Rod Moore gave us his vision of what a Tiki bar should be with The Shameful Tiki Room in Vancouver BC Canada in 2013, and he created a second Shameful Tiki in Toronto ON Canada in 2015. You’d think that’d be enough, but Rod had another vision in mind … A Haunted Mansion Whiskey Bar in Vancouver BC called the Dark Manor Inn …

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Guest Tiki Bar Review: The Kon-Tiki – Oakland, CA by Kevin Crossman – Ultimate Mai-Tai

entrance Kon Tiki Kevin Crossman

Back in the late 40’s, Thor Heyerdahl made his epic voyage across the Pacific Ocean on his balsa raft called the Kon Tiki. I’m guessing Thor Heyerdahl never thought about someone opening up a tiki bar based on his amazing journey, but in 2017, that’s exactly what happened! My good friend Kevin Crossman paid a visit to The Kon-Tiki and came back with this incredible write up. I’ll let Kevin take it from here …

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