Guest Tiki Bar Review – TikiCat Kansas City, MO by Dieter Weber


Dieter Weber, the man behind some of the great photographs you see here on Tiki With Ray, happened to be in Kansas City. It looks like my photographer made it to TikiCat before I did! That’s cool with me, because he came back with tons of great photographs and a write up as well! I’ll let Dieter take it from here…

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Guest Tiki Bar Review – Hula’s Island Grill Monterey, CA with Joe and Carla

Hula's Island Grill

So many Tiki bars, so little time…

My list of Tiki bars to visit is long—very long. I’m only one man and I only have so much time. That’s what friends are for! Carla and Joe took a trip to Monterey, CA and stopped in at Hula’s Island Grill. Here’s what they have to say…

Continue reading “Guest Tiki Bar Review – Hula’s Island Grill Monterey, CA with Joe and Carla”