For our birthdays, my friends and I take each other out for dinner. We have been doing this for many years. I personally don’t need anything and having a night out with friends is the best gift ever. Instead of taking me out to dinner this year, my friends Kim and Gregg decided to take me out for Tiki drinks. That was fine with me!
It was Tuesday and that means it was Tiki night at the Diller Room in downtown Seattle. Justin Wojslaw greeted us and we got ourselves seated at the bar. Justin handed us the special Tuesday Tiki menu and we started seeing what our drink choices were…

Kim went with a Painkiller and Gregg chose the classic Zombie…

I kept it old school as well with a Navy Grog…

Not only were our drinks tasty, they were strong! We all went for a second round and we were already feeling tipsy!
Kim picked the Cherry Blossom…

Greg went with a Pharaoh’s Curse…

Look at Gregg’s eyes: it’s a good thing he wasn’t driving!
I got a 3 Dots and a Dash…

Justin was nice of enough to pose for a picture with me…

After only two drinks, Kim, Gregg, and I were pretty much set. The Tiki drinks would have been an awesome gift alone, but Gregg went one step further and bought me a set of Diller Room Tiki glasses! Justin went ahead hooked me up with the Diller Room Tiki menu. How cool! I took Kim and Gregg back to their apartment in West Seattle. Gregg had one more gift for me: an old ’60s record of Hawaiian music! Here are all my Tiki gifts…

What an awesome night. I have great friends and that’s better than any gift someone can give you!
Want to learn more about Justin? Here is my Tiki VIP Spotlight on the man.
Here is the Diller Room’s Facebook page.