When Aaron Thorpe came across his home to be, he took one look at the place and said, “It’s mine.” There’s something about Mid-Century Modern homes that just look so cool and so right. Aaron’s place looks like something straight out of Palm Springs and it’s located in Portland, OR. Aaron has created a home Tiki bar, which is located outside by his pool. It is incredible, but there is so much more to see at Aaron’s home that it would be a crime to not show off the rest of it!
Aaron has donned names for each part of his place. Aaron’s home is called the Shangri La…

The bar inside the house looking out to the pool is called the Atomic Lounge…

The pool is called the Taboo Lounge.

And the home Tiki Bar is called Doctor Voodoo’s Tiki Lounge.

In case your wondering, yes! Aaron has had custom named floor mats made for each part of his home.
There is a full bar downstairs in the basement that has booths and even a stage! Aaron has been thinking about turning it into a speakeasy still bar. Sorry, no pictures—it’s still under construction.
Aaron invited me and my photographer Dieter over to take some pictures and ask some questions. Before we got down to business, Aaron made us a round of ZombieKillers…

The Zombie Killer is an original cocktail Aaron came up with, which is a combination of a Zombie and a Painkiller. It was tasty and strong. The drinks were so good that we had two more rounds!

Finally we got to hear Aaron’s story…

When did you into the Tiki lifestyle and what got you into it?
Aaron- My friend Dax, who lives in Tacoma, took me to Trader Vic’s in Beverly Hills for my first Tiki experience when I was visiting him while he was living down in Santa Monica, circa 2001.
Then I started collecting Hawaiian shirts from Goodwill and started an Aloha Shirt Friday tradition at my work. Before I knew it, I had a wardrobe full of colorful regalia.

Then there were the mugs. I’m always in search of the Holy Grail of rare Tiki mugs. I believe I finally have completed my Fu Manchu collection.

Are you and Native of Portland? If not, what brought you to Portland and was Tiki part of your life before the move?
Aaron- I grew up in Seattle and moved to Portland in 1993. Tiki had nothing to do with my relocation. That was much more cliché. I moved for a girl.
Unfortunately, the original Trader Vic’s in Portland closed in 1996 before I discovered my Tiki fetish. I would’ve been much too young to have gone to the Trader Vic’s in Seattle growing up.
This is Aaron’s first Tiki bar. It’s now located by the pool in the Taboo Lagoon…

Your home feels like something right out of Palm Springs! Can you give me a little history?
Aaron- Shangri-La is a Mid-Century Modern house built for entertainment in 1960 by an airplane pilot and his wife, conveniently located near PDX airport. I could only imagine the highfalutin parties they had with all of the pilots and stewardesses in their proper attire.

I am the third owner and have no plans to change anything, just add more of my own personality.

Here are some shots of the Taboo Lagoon…

What is your favorite Tiki drink and why?
Aaron- That is a tough question! There are so many great drinks to choose from. One of my favorite things about visiting a Tiki bar is I love discovering a new drink, or one I haven’t had in a long time. The complexity of flavors and trying to wrap my mind around what it consists of by dissecting it with my taste buds…

Wait what was the question? Yup, still a tough answer to give. I love a good Mai Tai or Jet Pilot, but I really enjoy a Painkiller and a Zombie. In fact I am working on my own mix of these two drinks called a Zombie Killer! I’ll make one for you!

Not including your own, what is your favorite Tiki bar? Why?
Aaron- Well, there are just far too many on my “Tiki bars yet to go to” list. I do love comparing common themes and finding unique things about each Tiki bar. I love the fact that anyone can build their own Tiki bar, even just a tiny corner in their basement, and create an escape to paradise atmosphere.

Any future plans for you place?
Aaron- My Tiki room felt very rushed, I spent just six weeks finishing out the inside of the existing pool house/shed. Yet I’m pleased how it came together. I have commissioned an artist to come up with a one-of-a-kind velvet painting for my voodoo lounge. I’m excited to see it!
I’m trying to decide on a name for my Tiki room and get some glasses or swizzle sticks made, or maybe some other collectible paraphernalia like coasters or stickers to give to my friends.
I’m close to a final decision of Doctor Voodoo’s Tiki Temple. What do you think?
It sounds great Aaron! Here are some shots of Doctor Voodoo’s Tiki Temple…

Anything else you would like to add?
Aaron- At Tiki Kon there was an idea thrown out there that I think is brilliant and I would love to have other people get on board with the idea, but it would take some initiative.
There is an app for traveling bicyclists called Warm Showers. The premise is when you’re traveling in a foreign city, people offer their home as a pit stop along their journey, whether it be a warm shower, coffee, or a meal. Wouldn’t it be great if we could do this when we are traveling? We could look on an app to see where a few home Tiki bars are located and have a quick tour of someone’s beloved Tiki paradise along with a tasty beverage!?
I would gladly offer a glimpse of my Voodoo Lounge and shake a cocktail for a fellow Tiki head.

I would like to thank Aaron for his time hospitality and Dieter Weber for his photographs used for this post!