When you live in a city where you have two great tiki bars, that being Frankie’s Tiki Room and The Golden Tiki, it’s easy to get inspired to build your own. That’s exact ally what Perry Hitechew did! Perry hasn’t officially named his home tiki bar yet but the working title as it stands is Perry’s Aristocrat Lounge and Hash Bar. Here is Perry’s story…
What is the tiki scene like where you live?
Perry- The Tiki scene in Vegas isn’t bad. As you know we have two main bars: Frankie’s and The Golden Tiki. The home tiki bar scene is pretty rad also, lots of unique concepts and it’s always fun to see everyone’s individual take on tiki style.
What brought you into the tiki lifestyle and how long has it been part of your life?
Perry- I fell into the lifestyle by accident. I was at The Golden Tiki a few years ago and ran into Branden (the creator of the bar) and Billy Crud, the designer. I had no idea who they were. I struck up a conversation with them and a friendship blossomed soon after. Fast forward a year or so and the opportunity presented itself to start on a project at my house so I jumped at the chance. Two years later here we are.
The bar is as of yet unnamed but it’s known as Perry’s Aristocrat Lounge (and Hash Bar). There was an old dove bar around the corner from my grandparents’ house where I lived when I was younger and it’s named after that.
What is your favorite Tiki drink?
Perry- My favorite tiki drink is probably the Mai Tai. Everyone has their own take on it and most are happy to display their perceived prowess when they visit.
What is your favorite Tiki bar? Not including your own!
Perry- My favorite tiki bar is a toss-up. I love Frankie’s and The Golden Tiki both equally for very different reasons, but if you absolutely made me choose it would be The Golden Tiki, first because of the relationships I’ve developed as a result of spending time there, and secondly because they have pictures of my grandparents on the wall and it’s always nice to visit them and friends when I visit.
What does the future hold for you and your home tiki bar?
Perry- The future of my bar? Hopefully inspiration strikes and a good name for it finally develops. Make a really cool sign etc.… besides that it’s almost time to start on the backyard.
Anything else you would like to add?
The only thing I’d like to add is we humans don’t get enough good summers. Make your house your own and don’t be afraid to transform your home into something special due to the fear that you might not be able to sell it. If it’s special to you, someone else will recognize the effort.

Very impressive woodwork and detail!
Nice article. Great bar. Superior craftsmanship. One question:. Who are those dorks in the last picture? (Just kidding, those 2 are awesome people who I am proud to call friends/brothers.)
I love this bar! The owner is not bad either 🙂 Perry is a great guy and this is a beautiful place to drink. I’m always on the look out for something to add for his birthday or Christmas.