Sometimes trying to figure out a name for your home tiki bar can be a little challenging. For Dave Gambale though, it was easy! He named his home tiki bar after one of his old favorite tiki bars from San Mateo … The Lanai.
Kim and Dave Gambale have since moved up to Vancouver WA, so The Lanai Vancouver it is! Here is Dave’s story …
What is the tiki scene like where you live?
Dave- As you know, the tiki scene in Portland is fantastic, mostly due to Tiki Kon. I’m not sure about Vancouver specifically, but we know a few people building home tiki bars in Vancouver, so it’s up and coming! Also, we are thinking about opening a commercial tiki bar in Vancouver, any interest?
What brought you into the “Tiki lifestyle” and how long has it been part of your life?
Dave- Since I was a kid, I attribute three major things in my life to it … one was and is, I actually went to some of the old classic tiki bars in the Bay Area, most notably The Lanai in San Mateo (which is why my home bar is named The Lanai Vancouver), the second was my father worked for United Airlines and we went to Hawaii dozens of times, and the third is Disneyland and the Enchanted Tiki Room. The Tiki Room was also sponsored by United Airlines, so there was a big connection there.
Can you give a little history of how it all came together?
Dave- I built my first tiki bar in 1986 in my backyard, it was an outdoor tiki bar. Then we seriously built and started collecting tiki in Las Vegas in 2001 and really got into it after going to Tiki Oasis in Palm Springs in 2003 after going to Mondo Tiki at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas. We met Shag, Holden and a lot of inspiring Tiki Legends. The new bar is indoors due to the weather here and I feel like it’s ever evolving
Any story behind the name of your bar?
Dave- The Bar is named after the Lanai in San Mateo California.
What is your favorite Tiki drink?
Dave- Favorite Tiki Drink: Painkiller, its good and easy to make and I’m not really into the science part of mixing drinks. I’m simple!
What is your favorite Tiki bar? Not including your own!
Dave- My favorite commercial tiki bars are Trader Sam’s …

With Hale Pele next …

And my favorite home bar is Kim and Mark Cook’s Headhunter’s Hideaway in Olympia WA … you can’t beat the water and the authenticness.

Outside of great drinks, what do you think are essential elements in creating the perfect Tiki environment?
Dave- Lighting creates the atmosphere and mood … that’s why I started Lanai Tiki Decor, to offer exotic tiki lighting.
What does the future hold for you and your home tiki bar?
Dave- We are planning on adding some outdoor extensions on to the bar.
Anything else you would like to add?
Dave- Kim and I want to say how WELCOMING, fun and friendly the tiki community is. We have made lifelong friends and love the PNW group most!
I’d like to thank Sveinn Kjarttansson for his pictures used for this post!
Here is Sveinn’s website
And Facebook Page