This has been a very cold winter up here in the Pacific Northwest. In Seattle, it’s been fifteen degrees colder than it normal and if it isn’t cold, it’s been grey and raining.
Portland, OR just got over a blizzard that left the city with over ten inches of the white stuff! The city isn’t prepared to deal with that kind of accumulation, so Portland has been snowed in!
What is one to do when the weather is terrible? Curl up with a good book and a cup of coco? Pop some popcorn and binge watch something on Netflix? Nah! If your Jamie Lutz and Daren Ford, you throw a Luau! A Janu-waii Luau to be exact!
Jana-waii Luau took place at Daren’s home, otherwise know as Cave Of The Kungaloosh.

My photographer and I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Luckily, Dieter had his camera and took some pictures….

’60s and surf music played on a record player that might be older than the records themselves!
Upstairs in the kitchen was pulled Kalua pork, rice, macaroni salad, and Hawaiian bread and rolls. No one was leaving this luau hungry!
This is how you deal with crappy weather: you forget about it!

Even Tikipoops made an appearance!
Thank you Jamie and Daren for putting on this awesome Luau!

And thank you Dieter for taking all these awesome photographs!

Check out my home Tiki bar spotlight on the Cave Of Kungaloosh.