Let’s go back in time to when it all began…
It’s the late ’50s and you’re a restaurant owner. The Tiki craze is in full swing and you want to open your own Polynesian paradise. Where do you go to buy the Tiki décor that will fill up your establishment? You go to Oceanic Arts!
Its two founders, Leroy Schmaltz and Bob Van Oosting, opened Oceanic Arts back in 1956. They were the gentlemen that you did business with back then and they still are to this day!
Leroy and Bob are really cool guys. I was chatting it up with them for a long time and they are more than happy to retell all their old stories.

Oceanic Arts outfitted most of the Tiki palaces back in the ’50s, the ’60s, and actually, they never really stopped! Here’s an abbreviated list:
Walt Disney World
Trader Vic’s
Don the Beachcomber
The Mai Kai
The Tonga Room
Tiki Ti
And over 1,100 other places around the world!

I think it might be safe to say that Oceanic Arts may be one of the only Tiki/Polynesian décor warehouses there is. Oceanic Arts is open to the public. Anyone can stop by and walk around the warehouse.
If you’re thinking about creating your own Tiki bar, or even if you’re just looking for that special Tiki mug, Oceanic Arts has you covered!
Need proof? Check out these pictures…
Here is Oceanic Arts webpage.
And Facebook page.