Home Tiki Bar Spotlight #25 The Tiki Hut Yucaipa, CA


The Tiki Hut

Most people build home Tiki bars to escape to a tropical paradise and sip Mai-Tais. When Erich Troudt built his Tiki escape, he had other plans. Erich doesn’t drink, but he loves his cigars. Wanting a place to display his Tiki mugs and enjoy a cigar or two, Erich didn’t build a Tiki bar, he built a Tiki Hut! Here is Erich’s story…

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Tiki VIP #20 Sara Yasmin Shishegar (Sweet Siren Designs)

Sara Yasmin Shishegar Sweet Siren Designs

Pick an avenue that will make you money if you want to stay in the arts…

These are wise words from Sara Yasmin Shishegar’s father. Sara listened and did just that! She started Sweet Siren Designs. Sweet Siren Designs combines all of Sara’s lifelong interests like mermaids, the sea, monsters, and of course, Tiki! I’ll let Sara tell you what Sweet Siren Designs is all about…

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Tiki Blogging #4 The Tiki Chick

The Tiki Chick

When I first decided to start a Tiki blog, I searched the web to see what other Tiki blogs were out there. I wanted to see what various Tiki topics I could write about. The one Tiki blog that stood out to me was the Tiki Chick. I liked that she traveled across the country checking out and writing about Tiki bars. Seeing that someone actually did the traveling inspired me to do the same. My life hasn’t been the same since! Here is The Tiki Chick’s backstory…

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The Fraternal Order of Moai (FOM)

FOM Fraternal Order Of Moai

The Fraternal Order Of Moai, better known as the FOM, is a secret society of Tikiphiles that started in Ohio and has grown across the country. If you have been on the Chicago Area Tiki Tour or attended OHANA: Luau at the Lake, you can thank the FOM. Not only does the FOM put together killer Tiki activities, they also do charity work. This secret society shouldn’t be a secret any longer. Here is what the Fraternal Order Of Moai is all about…

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Home Tiki Bar Spotlight #24 Brenda’s Tiki Hut Sacramento, CA

Brenda's Tiki Hut

Common places to build a home Tiki bar include the basement or a garage. However, when Brenda Ray decided to build a Tiki bar, she chose to build her bar right in the center of her home! That’s dedication and her bar is well-stocked. Brenda’s rum collection is larger than some “real” bars I’ve been to. Let’s see how Brenda’s Tiki Hut came to be…

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Tiki VIP #19 Joshua Head (Tiki Artist, Melbourne, Australia)

Joshua Head Tiki Artist Melbourne Australia

It’s all in the details…

When I first saw Joshua Head’s work, I couldn’t believe the detail. Everything is fine lined and the more you look into his work, the more you see. Joshua is located in Melbourne, Australia where sadly at this point, there isn’t much of a Tiki scene going on. With the help of Joshua’s Tiki art, that might change! Here is Joshua Head’s story…

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Tiki Blogging #3 Adventures In Tiki

Angelica Navarro - Adventures In Tiki

Texas is big—really BIG!

There’s more to the Lone Star State than oil drills and cowboys. There’s also Tiki! You just have to know where to look. Luckily, we have Angelica Navarro. If anything Tiki is going on in Texas, she’s going to know! Angelica lives deep in the heart of Dallas and she writes about her Tiki adventures in her blog appropriately called…

Adventures In Tiki!

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