Star Wars Mugs Call For Star Wars Tiki Drinks At Tacoma Cabana

Star Wars Tiki Mugs
Star Wars Tiki Mugs may have come with one of the coolest ideas ever. They combined two of my favorite things: Star Wars and Tiki! There are six different mugs. There is a mug for Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Yoda, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and a Stormtropper.

Jason Alexander of Tacoma Cabana ordered a collection of Star Wars mugs of his own. Once Jason had the mugs in hand, he started to think about what to do with them and came up with a great idea: create Star Wars-themed Tiki drinks!

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Home Tiki Bar Spotlight #4 The Green Bamboo Lounge and The Munktiki Manor Portland, OR

Debra and Paul
Debra and Paul

I have a guilty pleasure: I love before and after photos! I love seeing people lose weight and get in shape. I love seeing a vintage car get restored or a home get remodeled. What’s better than all of these is seeing before and after photos of a home Tiki bar. Debba Debba and Paul actually have a picture of their basement before it was converted into the Green Bamboo Lounge.

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Tiki VIP #5 Greg Clapp (Tiki Kon Portland, OR)

Greg Clapp
Greg Clapp

There are key people that have made the Tiki community what it is today and what it’s going to be in the future. Right now there are three main Tiki events that happen each year. One of those events is Tiki Kon and Greg Clapp is the man who puts it all together.

Tiki Kon takes place in Portland, OR, and has been going on for fourteen years. It’s a weekend of live music and entertainment. Tiki Kon also includes Tiki symposiums, Tiki bartending competitions, and an open market for artists and vendors to sell their Tiki wares. The main event of Tiki Kon is a home Tiki bar crawl where five or so bars are visited.

I was in Portland and I had a chance to meet Greg in person and ask him a few questions…

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Why Jimi Hendrix Is The Best Guitarist And What That Has To Do With Tiki Bars

Ray with Jimi Hendrix and Tiki Mug
Ray with Jimi Hendrix and Tiki Mug

I’m a guitar player. I’ve been playing since I was thirteen.

Ray playing guitar 13 years old
Ray playing guitar 13 years old

Yep, that’s me!

We musicians love to talk about music. Who is the best drummer? Which is the first punk band, the Sex Pistols or the Ramones? Who is better, the Beatles or the Stones? We can debate these important topics for hours, but there is one thing we all mostly agree on: Jimi Hendrix is the best guitar player ever.

I think most people will agree, but I think it brings up a more important question: why is Hendrix considered the best?

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Tiki VIP #3 Peter Andrijeski (

Pete owner of The Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge
Pete, owner of the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge

What is the oldest bar in Seattle?

I’m finding out that the answer isn’t as simple as it might seem. I definitely got this sense as I’m talking with Peter Andrijeski of “You have to think about a few things,” Peter said. How long has the bar been in business? How old is building? A bar may be in a building that’s really old, but that doesn’t mean the bar itself is that old as well. The correct answer is the Merchant’s Café, which is located in the oldest part of Seattle: Pioneer Square.

A few years ago, Peter had the grand idea to have a drink at every bar in Seattle. That’s right gang: every bar in Seattle. How would one go about doing this? Can this even be accomplished? Peter was going to find out!

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Tiki Field Report #6 Tiki Night at Rumba Seattle 5/11/16

Rumba Tiki night menu
Rumba Tiki night menu

“I’ll stop the world and melt with you…”

Who out there remembers that classic ’80s tune from Modern English? I know two people for sure and a few nights ago they were sitting with me at Rumba Seattle. My friends Coco and Zak were going to see Modern English play at the Neumos, from which Rumba is only a few blocks away. I really only know that one song from Modern English, so I didn’t join them for the show. When I thought about it, I asked myself, “Did Modern English have any other hits?” I was talking with Zak and we came to the conclusion that if Modern English played their hit first, everyone would leave right afterwards!

It was Wednesday, which is Tiki Night at Rumba. I asked Coco and Zak if they’d want to meet up for some drinks before they head to the show. They said “Yes,” to which I said, “Great, it’s a date!”

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