Thinkgeek.com may have come with one of the coolest ideas ever. They combined two of my favorite things: Star Wars and Tiki! There are six different mugs. There is a mug for Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Yoda, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and a Stormtropper.
Jason Alexander of Tacoma Cabana ordered a collection of Star Wars mugs of his own. Once Jason had the mugs in hand, he started to think about what to do with them and came up with a great idea: create Star Wars-themed Tiki drinks!
My buddy Matt was in from New York and wanted to hit Tacoma Cabana. The last time Matt was at Tacoma Cabana, he ordered a Zombie Old Fashioned, which he considered to be the best cocktail he ever had!

Matt and I got our places at the bar and started to think about what we wanted. While deciding, we watched Jason doing what he does best: crafting cocktails…

Before any words were spoken, Jason Alexander came over to our side of the bar and put down three shots of rum for each of us. We all lifted our glasses, tilted our heads back, and let the rum flow down our throats. A second later, we all slammed our empty glasses on the bar. That’s how you say “Aloha!” at Tacoma Cabana!
Jason had his Star Wars Tiki mugs proudly displayed behind the bar. He saw that I was eyeing them up. “Would you like a Star Wars Tiki drink?” Jason asked.
I said, “Hell yeah! What are my choices?”
Jason told me to pick a Star Wars character. I went with a Stormtrooper…

The drink is called a “Stormtrooper Swizzle.” So strong and tasty.
Matt shouted out “Boba Fett!”

Matt’s drink was a “Boba Colada.” It’s like a Pina Colada, but cooler!
The first round of drinks went down fast, so we ordered some more Star Wars drinks.
For my second drink, I went with Darth Vader…

The drink is called “Not Your Father’s Planter’s Punch” and is served with a giant flame coming out of Darth Vader’s head! Check out this video of Jason lighting my drink on fire.
This is my favorite drink at Tacoma Cabana now.
Matt went with R2-D2…

The drink is called “Does R2 Dream Of Electric Tauntauns?” Jason Alexander combined Star Wars, Blade Runner, and the original Philip K. Dick story all in one shot. I tell you folks, the man is a genius.
There were two more Star Wars mugs to try, but Matt and I were done. We were feeling our drinks pretty well and we still had the drive back to Seattle ahead of us. As we all know, Star Wars had a sequel, which was The Empire Strikes Back. I think a second trip to Tacoma Cabana will be coming really soon.
One last thing: the Star Wars Tiki drinks are not on the menu and you need to be sitting at the bar for Jason to serve you one.
Interested in buying your own set of Star Wars mugs? Here is Thinkgeek’s website.
Want to see what happened the last time Matt and I paid a visit to Tacoma Cabana? Click here.
This is my official write up on Tacoma Cabana.
This is the website for Tacoma Cabana.
And Facebook page.
Want to follow Jason Alexander on Instagram? You can start following the Tikicommando here.