Hey gang! Have you seen the 2007 movie Zodiac? If you so, then you know all about this “blue” drink. It’s tasty and easy to make. Click here and I will teach you how to make one over at Acan Review.
Hey gang! Have you seen the 2007 movie Zodiac? If you so, then you know all about this “blue” drink. It’s tasty and easy to make. Click here and I will teach you how to make one over at Acan Review.
Hey Gang! Check out my write up on Tacoma Cabana’s Lapu Lapu over at Acan Review.
Then head on over to Tacoma Cabana and have one for yourself!
Hey Gang! Please click here to check out my guest post over at Acan Review. This time I’m talking about one of my favorite rums: Havana Club!
Hey Gang! I’m excited to announce that I did a guest blog post over at Acan Review! They do reviews of all types of cocktails and spirits. They asked if I would like to contribute, I said Hell Yes!
My post is about how the make a Planter’s Punch using the Jamaican recipe.
Click here to check it out! –Ray