Before I was into tiki, I was into punk …
Don The Beachcomber
Guest Tiki Field Report – Don The Beachcomber (Ohana Gathering 2018) by Piper Leiper
I wasn’t able to make it down to Don The Beachcomber for The Ohana Gathering but my good friend Piper did and here is what she had to say…
Reflecting On The Closing Of Don The Beachcomber, Huntington Beach CA
Nothing lasts forever…
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Tiki Bar Review #22 The Mai Kai Fort Lauderdale FL

I live in Seattle. I booked a flight and flew six hours across the country to go to the Mai Kai. Why? Because when it comes to Tiki bars, the Mai Kai is it! My visit to the Mai Kai lasted five hours and I could have stayed longer. What is so special about the Mai Kai you may ask? Well, let’s start from the beginning…
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Tiki Bar Review #16 Don The Beachcomber Huntington Beach, CA

There is power in a name.
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Tiki Bar Review #15 Tiki Ti Los Angeles. CA

I have a guilty pleasure: Kodachrome pictures!
Time machines haven’t been built yet, so the closest you can get to going back in time is looking at old pictures. Sadly, most pictures were taken in boring black and white back in the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s. Usually the film was cheap and those pictures have faded away anyway. Kodachrome pictures are different. They look vibrant, colorful, and alive. These pictures really are the closest you can get to seeing what the past was like. Or maybe there is another way to experience the past:
By tasting it!
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