Tiki Kon goes into the future by embracing the past …
hale pele
Tiki Kon 2019 Pageant Of The Pacific – Hale Pele Mug Release Party
Tiki Kon officially kicked off Friday July 5, but if you were lucky enough to make it to Portland on the day before, you had an opportunity to attend the Hale Pele Mug Release Party!
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Tiki Kon 2018 Fantasy Island, Hale Pele Mug Release Party
Tiki Kon officially kicked off Friday July 13 but if you were lucky enough or able to make it to Portland a day earlier, you had an opportunity to attend the Hale Pele Mug Release Party!
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Tiki VIP #29 Blair Reynolds – BG Reynolds Syrups
I remember making my first Mai-Tai…
The recipe called for Orgeat syrup. Back then I had no idea what this was, I just knew I needed it to make myself a Mai-Tai. I took a trip down to the local supermarket, found the isle that sold syrups and bought a bottle. My Mai-Tai was ok but it didn’t taste nearly as good one I would order at a Tiki bar. I couldn’t believe that one ingredient could totally alter the taste of a drink. This is where Blair Reynolds comes in handy, well actually his company BG Reynolds Syrups. BG Reynolds makes every type of syrup you need to make any Tiki drink you want. Not only will your drinks taste incredible but your Tiki drinks will taste correct. Let’s get to know Blair a little bit more…
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Tiki Kon 2017 Caribbean Castaway, Day 3: Home Tiki Bar Tour
This is the day we all have been waiting for…
I have to admit that getting up early Sunday after ALL the action from yesterday was quite a task. My hotel bed never felt better, but you know what’s better than sleeping in? Checking out a bunch of home Tiki bars!
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Tiki Kon 2017 Caribbean Castaway: Day One – VIP Reception
Tiki Kon is always a homecoming of sorts…
The Tiki Ohana is scattered throughout the country and sadly, you can’t be everywhere at once to hang out with all these great people. What can you do? You bring everyone together with a Tiki marketplace, live music, Tiki drinks, and throw in big name Tiki celebrities talking about Tiki. You might call it a reason to book a flight to Portland, Oregon. I’ll call it Tiki Kon!
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Tiki Field Report #10 1/28/17 Portland, OR Duke And Lola, No Bones Beach Club, Hale Pele, and Janu-waii Laua!

“Hey man! Next time you are planning a trip to Oregon, let us know. We would love to include you in one of our YouTube videos.”
And with this message, the start of an awesome day of Tiki in Portland OR began!
Straight Edge Tiki #1 Hale Pele 12/3/16
A big aspect of Tiki culture is the cocktails…
But what if you don’t drink alcohol?
Can you still enjoy the Tiki lifestyle and not have Mai Tais and Zombies part of the equation? That’s what I wanted to find out. I headed to Hale Pele in Portland, OR with my friends Daren, Jamie, and my photographer Dieter and we were just going to order non-alcoholic drinks.
Tiki VIP #11 Sierra Kirk (Hale Pele)
Everyone has their favorite Tiki bar and mine is Hale Pele in Portland, OR. When you walk into the bar and take a seat, you honestly feel like you’re in a Tiki hut somewhere in the South Pacific. The décor is incredible. What also is incredible at Hale Pele is the drinks. One of the women behind the bar making these awesome Tiki drinks is Sierra Kirk.
Sierra is unbelievably talented. Her Tiki drinks are some of the best I’ve ever had. If you want a drink with fire and flames, she’s just the woman for the job! I consider her to be one of the great Tiki bartenders right now! Here is Sierra’s story…
Tiki VIP Spotlight #7 Martin Cate

If there is anyone that should be considered a Tiki VIP, it has to be Martin Cate. Martin’s Tiki “resume” is just incredible! He has had his hand in several Tiki bars, including Forbidden Island, Hale Pele, Smuggler’s Cove, and San Diego’ False Island. Did I mention he also wrote one of the most important books on Tiki? It’s called Smuggler’s Cove, named after his bar. This book covers everything you want to know about Tiki and Tiki culture. It really is an essential read for anyone into the Tiki lifestyle.