Lost Spirits Distillery – By Tom Hemmen

The last day of our recent visit to Los Angeles, we purchased tickets for a distillery tour we’d become aware of while researching things to do in the area online. At $40 per ticket it was not inexpensive, and its Yelp reviews, while mostly positive, featured some pretty poor ones as well – however, it looked intriguing, and potentially like a lot of fun, so we took the plunge …

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It Isn’t Tiki But Damn! #3 The Formosa Café – West Hollywood CA

I’ve been to my share of Chinese restaurants but nothing compares to The Formosa Café!

There has always been a fascination for the exotic, the three biggest exotic locations being the South Pacific (Polynesia), Egypt and The Orient. When it comes to places that provide a full environment and experience, Chinese restaurants are right up there with Tiki bars. Looking back to my childhood, I believe my first exotic, full immersive experience was going to a Chinese restaurant with my aunt in Philadelphia. Continue reading “It Isn’t Tiki But Damn! #3 The Formosa Café – West Hollywood CA”

Tiki VIP #20 Sara Yasmin Shishegar (Sweet Siren Designs)

Sara Yasmin Shishegar Sweet Siren Designs

Pick an avenue that will make you money if you want to stay in the arts…

These are wise words from Sara Yasmin Shishegar’s father. Sara listened and did just that! She started Sweet Siren Designs. Sweet Siren Designs combines all of Sara’s lifelong interests like mermaids, the sea, monsters, and of course, Tiki! I’ll let Sara tell you what Sweet Siren Designs is all about…

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Tiki Blogging #4 The Tiki Chick

The Tiki Chick

When I first decided to start a Tiki blog, I searched the web to see what other Tiki blogs were out there. I wanted to see what various Tiki topics I could write about. The one Tiki blog that stood out to me was the Tiki Chick. I liked that she traveled across the country checking out and writing about Tiki bars. Seeing that someone actually did the traveling inspired me to do the same. My life hasn’t been the same since! Here is The Tiki Chick’s backstory…

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Tiki Bar Review #18 Tiki No North Hollywood, CA

Tiki No
Tiki No

The San Fernando Valley has many names. Some people refer to it as “the Valley.” Others may call it “North Hollywood.” The “No” in Tiki No is a reference to North Hollywood. The Valley has the oldest Tiki bar in So-Cal, which is the Tonga Hut. Now the Valley has the newest one with Tiki No. Visiting two great Tiki bars is totally worth the trip to North Hollywood!

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Tiki Bar Review #17 Tonga Hut North Hollywood, CA

The Tonga Hut North Hollywood
The Tonga Hut North Hollywood

The Tonga Hut is a Tiki bar that turned into a dive bar, then turned into a Tiki bar again. It’s the oldest Tiki bar in Los Angeles, opening for business in 1958. Tiki was very popular back in the ’50s, but by the time the late ’60s rolled around, people had moved on to other things like polyester pants and underpowered automobiles.

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Tiki Bar Review #15 Tiki Ti Los Angeles. CA

Tiki Ti
Tiki Ti

I have a guilty pleasure: Kodachrome pictures!

Time machines haven’t been built yet, so the closest you can get to going back in time is looking at old pictures. Sadly, most pictures were taken in boring black and white back in the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s. Usually the film was cheap and those pictures have faded away anyway. Kodachrome pictures are different. They look vibrant, colorful, and alive. These pictures really are the closest you can get to seeing what the past was like. Or maybe there is another way to experience the past:

By tasting it!

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