A Tiki bar without any Tikis?
That’s correct. If you look around Lost Lake, there is not a Tiki to be found! Is this important? Let’s find out…
Lost Lake is not a large place. You have the main room with the bar…
Head to the back and make a right and you will find booths…
Lost Lake has a cozy feeling without feeling small. I like that.
Palm tree wallpaper covers the interior of Lost Lake. The place has a tropical feel and there’s no need to water anything!

The bar itself is decorated with fish trap lamps and ball floats.
Lost Lake is a really classy place. It’s not too over-the-top Tiki, but let’s talk about what matters most: the drinks!
Paul McGee is the man behind Lost Lake. Before he started his own Tiki bar, he used to be at Three Dots and a Dash in downtown Chicago. Three Dot’s has a reputation of making some the best Tiki drinks in the Mid-West. (This is true; I speak from experience!) When Paul opened Lost Lake, he brought his Tiki mixologist skills with him.
This is the signature drink: the Lost Lake…

Passion fruit, pineapple juice, rum, and maybe a little bit of Campari. Yes, this drink is incredible!
I don’t live in Chicago, but if I did, this would be my go-to Tiki bar. Oh, speaking of Tikis, does it matter if Lost Lake doesn’t have any? I have to be honest with you, I didn’t even realize there wasn’t any until someone mentioned it!

Here is Lost Lake’s website.
And Facebook page.
Is a mai tai with grenadine a mai tai?
Is a tiki bar without tikis a tiki bar?
Lost lake is An amazing place with some of the best modern tiki drinks in the world. If one of the reasons you love tiki is the escapism then look no further because you can walk in from the blistering cold of a Chicago night and be immediately transported to a much warmer paradise. Flawless execution. As far as the no tikis, it was Paul and shelbys goal from the beginning even the staff is encouraged to wear plant and animal print. No idols.