I just drove ten hours to get drunk and watch mermaids swim …
Great Falls is literally in the middle of nowhere. It’s a small city in northern Montana and I can’t see any reason why someone would have a need to go there, except for one thing, The Sip ‘n Dip Lounge …
The Sip ‘n Dip is as old school tiki as it gets. It’s been around since 1962. I get the impression that the Sip ‘n Dip hasn’t changed much over the years and that makes it so special. Shag carpeting still covers the floor and all the booths and barstools are covered in shiny vinyl …
I love old tiki bars because it’s the closest thing there is to a tiki time machine. As I’m sitting in my vinyl covered barstool, I forget that it’s 2019 and I’m up in the northernmost part of Montana. All I know is that I’m in a tiki bar that is truly timeless.
And make no mistake, the Sip ‘n Dip is most certainly a tiki bar. It has just as much bamboo, thatch, puffer fish, and tikis as any great tiki bar should have.
The Sip ‘n Dip is known for two things: first is the mermaids …
Actually one of the mermaids is a merman!
I can’t think of that many establishments that feature mermaids swimming behind the bar. Off the top of my head, I can think of The Wreck Bar in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and the Sip ‘n Dip, and that’s about it. The Sip ‘n Dip is located in the O’Haire Motor Inn in downtown Great Falls. I spent the night there and here is a picture of my room …
The room was a time capsule from the sixties! It had mid-century charm and décor but it was very clean and nice. I highly recommend staying at O’Haire. Why? Because my room was right down the hall from the bar!
The hotel pool is situated behind the bar and large bay windows let you see into the mermaid’s underwater world. I love that all the seating in the bar is facing the bar to watch the mermaids. It’s quite relaxing.
The Sip ‘n Dip has a couple tiki drinks on the menu too …
But looking around the bar, I noticed that most people are drinking beer. Not me though! I ordered a Sid Tiki God, and it’s as good as you’d think it would be, with lots of sugar and booze but still decent enough that I ordered a second one.
The other thing the Sip ‘n Dip is known for is “Piano Pat” Spoonheim …

Pat wasn’t playing her piano the night I was there and sadly from what my server told me Pat hasn’t played since last Thanksgiving (2018). Pat has been playing at the Sip ‘n Dip pretty much since the place opened and I understand that Pat’s wrists are starting to bother her. Will she play again? I really don’t know, time will tell I suppose.
That’s the thing about these old tiki bars. They feel like they have been around for ages, but sadly they won’t be around forever. Sometimes you have to go out of your way to visit a classic tiki bar like the Sip ‘n Dip, but trust me, it will be worth the trip. You will be experiencing something very special.
Here is the Sip ‘n Dip webpage
And Facebook page
Great review. Wonderful pictures and I especially liked the photos of the rooms. May have to make a special trip.
Thank you! Yes, make a point to stay at the hotel. It’s a total time capsule from the mid-century
My friend recently drove 4 hours across the state to see it, and then turned around and drove 4 hours back. Pat was there, so she is still playing.
I’m glad to hear that!
Will be going there soon. I’m west of there at Flathead Lake, MT Still a 4 hr drive. Glad you made it there.
Trust me, It will be worth the trip!
No Tiki Mugs at The Sip -n-Dip?
Nope. Not that I know of.
I don’t know what it is about this review I love so much. Maybe it’s the time capsule feel, maybe it’s that the destination is so cool and so absolutely remote, but this was a super cool review and I keep thumbing through the pics. Thanks for bringing this to the masses. Totally agree with you about old tiki bars.
Thank you Brad. I’m glad you liked the write up. These places are what I love about Tiki the most!
I envy you.
Who doesn’t want to take a road trip to Montana and visit a classic tiki bar?
This is my favorite review of yours so far.
Thank you Georg! The Sip N’ Dip was just the first night! I traveled across the entire country hit tiki bars along the way! It was so much fun!