Tiki Field Report #6 Tiki Night at Rumba Seattle 5/11/16

Rumba Tiki night menu
Rumba Tiki night menu

“I’ll stop the world and melt with you…”

Who out there remembers that classic ’80s tune from Modern English? I know two people for sure and a few nights ago they were sitting with me at Rumba Seattle. My friends Coco and Zak were going to see Modern English play at the Neumos, from which Rumba is only a few blocks away. I really only know that one song from Modern English, so I didn’t join them for the show. When I thought about it, I asked myself, “Did Modern English have any other hits?” I was talking with Zak and we came to the conclusion that if Modern English played their hit first, everyone would leave right afterwards!

It was Wednesday, which is Tiki Night at Rumba. I asked Coco and Zak if they’d want to meet up for some drinks before they head to the show. They said “Yes,” to which I said, “Great, it’s a date!”

Round 1

Parking on Capitol Hill is pretty tough, so the earlier you go, the better. I figured I’d go early, get a decent parking spot, and get a head start on drinking.

I ordered a Sazerac. It would be another 45 minutes until Coco and Zak arrived. Traffic was crazy, but that’s Seattle for you.

Sazerac at Rumba
Sazerac at Rumba

Round 2

Coco and Zak arrived and quickly put their drink orders in.

Coco went with the Missionary’s Downfall…

Coco drinking a Missionary's Downfall at Rumba
Coco drinking a Missionary’s Downfall at Rumba

Zak went the old school route and ordered a Zombie…

Zak with a Zombie at Rumba
Zak with a Zombie at Rumba
Last Rites at Rumba
Last Rites at Rumba

I finished my Sazerac and ordered a Last Rites…

All our drinks were in incredible, as always. We were getting hungry, so we got some food.

Coco got the Caribbean Jerk Chicken Salad…

Caribbean Jerk Chicken Salad at Rumba
Caribbean Jerk Chicken Salad at Rumba

Zak ordered the Curry Goat…

Curry Goat at Rumba
Curry Goat at Rumba

Since Rumba is a Cuban themed bar, I got a Cuban sandwich…

Cuban Sandwich at Rumba
Cuban Sandwich at Rumba

Making sure we always had a drink in front of us was Jean. She was nice enough to pose for a picture…

Jean our server at Rumba
Jean our server at Rumba

Round 3

We finished our food and drinks and that meant it was time for another round!

I went with a Malachi Constant, just because it sounded cool…

Ray trying to drink a Malachi Constant at Rumba
Ray trying to drink a Malachi Constant at Rumba

That’s was a huge mug. I needed two hands!

Coco is a Twin Peaks fan, so she ordered a Fire Walk With Me…

Coco with a Fire Walk WIth Me at Rumba
Coco with a Fire Walk WIth Me at Rumba

Zak is an Austin Powers fan (well, I don’t know for sure, ha!), so he got a Shark With Laser Beams…

Zak with a Shark with Laser Beams at Rumba
Zak with a Shark with Laser Beams at Rumba

Look at that drink! The mug is a shark’s head and the alcohol is in the shark’s mouth. There is not one, but two flames on either side of the shark’s head. How do you drink it? Carefully!

Modern English was going to be hitting the stage soon, so Coco and Zak had to take off. We got the bill, paid it, and went our separate ways.

If you were wondering, Modern English played their hit last. That was a good move!


Rumba Seattle, WA 5/11/16 (Tiki Night)

Who was there:

Coco, Zak, and Ray

What was ordered:

Coco- Missionary’s Downfall, Fire Walk With Me

Zak- Zombie, Shark With Laser Beams

Ray- Sazerac, Last Rites, Malachi Constant

Interested in learning about Rumba? Here is my official review.

This Rumba’s website and Facebook page.

My friends and I celebrated May the Fourth Be with Tiki at Rumba. Here is what happens when you combine Star Wars and Tiki.